Friday, February 5, 2010

2010 NFLL Draft Order / The 619ers


Alland will be entering the NFLL this season as "The 619ers", (SI) team colors will be dark blue and orange. Can I get a chant of "Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish!" Thanks for joining we hope you are up to the challenge.

Before the main event for today is announced I have to remind you of the following notes. To the out of towners please start saving up for the draft! The 2010 schedule has been updated and is always located on the bottom of the-flask. 2009 trades that effected the 2010 draft are also updated on the lower right corner of the-flask. All other updates for the upcoming season will be posted near the end of spring, so please stay tuned.

Now I hope you all have your horseshoe, lucky rabbits foot or Robert Smith Poker chip out.

Honestly though to get the full effect of this, take the time and read, just scroll down slowly. Whats the rush, you have a whole halftime to kill...half the fun is the buildup of excitement.

Good Luck and enjoy the rest of the Super bowl...Here is your 2010 draft order...

#16 Doh!Boys - drawing at #12, one would think there would be better options but Doh happened to have the worst luck today.

#15 Bengals - last team to draw gets #15, not that there were many options since last two numbers were #'s 14 & 15.

#14 The 619ers - thanks to Bengals the rookie grabs #14. Remember Kickers are VERY IMPORTANT!

#13 Jeru (R.I.P.) - The Ru must have used up all his luck last year, the lowest draw from the 8 playoff teams.

*** Pause for suspense *** How many of you are mad you haven't seen HaTeRs yet?

#12 Restraining Order - After the fantasy gods punished the Stalker by having him miss the playoffs by 6 points, I thought for sure his luck would take a turn for the better...but he dropped a spot in 2010.

#11 Blind Monkeys - The 2nd team to draw gets #11, this is Monkeys first time drafting out of the top 8.

#10 HaTeRs - Oh thank god...after drafting at #15 last 2 years I'm sure he is a little relieved too.

#9 $Hail-Mary$ - The Godfather draws numero nueve.

***Another pause for suspense*** Who is surprised they are still in the hunt for #1??? ***

#8 GO HEELS! - 2nd worst team last year gets into the top 8...shits rigged.

#7 Diaper Dandies - With the first draw in the lottery, the Champ gets a great middle draw with number 7. First three time champ???

#6 The Agency - The tenth team to draw scores a great pick with #6? Could this be the year?

#5 KILLLA CALI - Your favorite commish draws third and grabs #5

*** This is it, the final four, thought about being a dick and posting the final four after the game but I'm in a good mood.***

#4 TrueSole - Sole has to be just ecstatic here, Fourth team to draw gets #4, last years champ drew here too, don't forget.

*** Nervous? Excited? How bout them Colts? ***

#3 IndigoPalmsSucks - Ohhhhhh cmon man this guy scores a top 3 pick for the 2nd year in a row??? Congrats DK.

***** Daaaamn, I am about to make some lucky bastard's day *****

#2 is....

#2 Buckeyes - Patience pays off as this is Buckeyes highest draft draw ever. Congrats there Tommy boy.

which means...

#1 is The Cocoon of Horror - well at least we know he will be here for the draft...the 11th freakin draw gets #1, talk about beating the odds. I guess he could use the pick-me-up after that NFC championship game. Congrats there Lance...I guarantee you my phone rings in 3...2...1...

No comments:


Here is your 2013 schedule...All the dates you need to know are right here.

May 1 - Spring Trades open
June 1 - Spring Trades close
July 15 - NFLL Dues are due
Aug. 2 - Preseason Trades open
Aug. 25 - Preseason Trades close
Aug. 31 - 2013 Draft Day 12pm
Aug. 31 - Regular Season Trades open 11am
Sept. 2 - FA Market opens
Oct.26 - Trades Close 10/26 not 11/1
Nov. 27 - Free Agency Closes

2013 NFLL Draft Picks

IP 1,32,33,64,65,96,97,128,129,160,161,192,193,224,225,256,257,288,289,320,321,352

JR 2,31,34,63,95,98,127,130,159,162,191,194,223,226,255,258,287,290,319,322,351

KC 3,30,35,62,66,67,94,99,126,131,158,163,190,195,222,227,252,259,284,286,291,318,335,350

DS 4,29,36,61,68,93,100,125,132,157,164,189,196,221,228,253,260,285,292,317,324,349

TA 5,28,37,60,69,92,101,124,133,156,165,188,197,200,220,229,252,261,293,316,325,348

GH 6,27,38,59,70,91,102,123,134,155,166,187,198,219,230,251,262,283,294,315,326,347

SX 7,26,39,58,71,90,103,122,135,154,167,186,199,218,231,250,263,282,295,314,327,346

CO 8,25,40,57,72,89,104,121,136,153,168,185,217,232,249,264,281,296,313,323,328,345

TS 9,24,41,56,73,88,105,120,137,152,169,184,201,216,233,248,265,280,297,312,329,344

HM 10,23,42,55,74,87,106,119,138,151,170,183,202,215,234,247,266,279,298,311,330,343

TT 11,22,43,54,75,86,107,118,139,150,171,182,203,214,235,246,267,278,299,310,331,342

DD 12,21,44,53,76,85,108,117,140,149,172,181,204,213,236,245,268,277,300,309,332,341

H8 13,20,45,52,77,84,109,116,141,148,173,180,205,212,237,244,269,276,301,308,333,340

BE 14,19,46,51,78,83,110,115,142,147,174,179,206,211,238,243,270,275,302,307,334,339

DB 15,18,47,50,79,82,111,114,143,146,175,178,207,210,239,242,271,274,303,306,338

BM 16,17,48,49,80,81,112,113,144,145,176,177,208,209,240,241,272,273,304,305,336,337